
All are invited to the Sunday Morning Worship Service, beginning at 10 AM.  It is an informal gathering, so come as you are.  Hear inspiring preaching from the Word.  Allen Farnham shares his gift on the keyboard during the Worship Service. All are cordially invited to a light lunch held directly after the service.

Bible classes are held every Wednesday morning at 10:00 AM and Wednesday evening at 6 PM. A light lunch follows the morning Bible study and dinner is served prior to the Wednesday evening study. Come at 6 PM for dinner; the Bible Study follows at 7 PM.

From September through June, join us at 9 AM for Sunday Morning Bible Study.  The class usually studies one of the lectionary passages for that Sunday.   All are welcome!

At the present time we are searching for a new pastor so we will be having a variety of preachers.  Still a great opportunity to worship God.